Monday, February 7, 2011

fab find: cool & genuine v-day gifts, Etsy

I am not a fan of V-Day, no need to get me psychological help, I happen to believe in 365 days of romance, not just one...especially one that is so scary with commercialization. Valentines Day is about love and love is supposed to come from the heart, not from Zales. It used to be such a sweet holiday, exchanging Valentines in grade school with friends, boys and girls alike. Everybody felt special, which may have been the result of a sugar high, but nonetheless, it was a special day.

I spent hours on Etsy today and picked four of my favorite prints for V-Day. Of course Etsy has many, many, many gift options, but none so literal, sweet and cool than these photos. The first scrabble letter photo is from jmbarclay and the second is from carissachristine.

The neon "love" above is my favorite. I have a bit of an obsession for pictures of vintage neon signs, thank goodness Las Vegas was created when it was! The photo above is from bomobob and the shell "love" is from eternalimages.

I have to say it is rather entertaining to park oneself at the mall on V-Day and watch people, mostly men, run around and buy a gift. A gift that many women expect but don't really appreciate, which I find so sad. My advice, keep it simple and different; her favorite flower instead of roses; pizza and candlelight in, instead of out. Shoot some pool at your neighborhood bar.

V-Day is sooo not a serious day. It's about romance, and happiness is the root of romance. Happiness=Fun. Make it a day that is special, but most importantly, make it fun!


  1. I've lost hours of my days on Etsy - it's such a fun site! I love the sea shell image. Too cute!

  2. As much as I love Etsy, sometimes searching for something I have seen before (and didn't save to favorites :/ )is hard to find again...I am going to get the seashell one for a friend of mine!



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